Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Class Jitters, Culture, and Coffee. Oh, and Alcohol!

I finally had my first class! Walking in was interesting; I'm used to entering a room where I knew at least a few people and it was odd to encounter various other international students, some speaking in their first languages, other speaking in English. Seminars here at the UiO are highly similar to the ones at SU: small, intimate settings, closely quartered desks, over-head projectors and technologically hapless professors. My prof. for Norwegian World Lit. is an adorable intellectual who reads from a written lecture outline and has the neurotic habit of looking at the ceiling when he chooses to make emphasis. Although, it was slightly frustrating that he didn't look at the class during his lecture but it was cute in a nervous, entrenched teaching habit kind of way. 
After, I had some time so I went to the National Gallery downtown. This was the first museum I had been to in my close to 1 month stay here in Oslo. I know, the fact that I've been here that long and hadn't visited a single museum is unbelievably atrocious! Nevertheless, I went. It is a beautiful gallery with Nordic and international art as well as an Edvard Munch permanent collection. I perused the breathtaking pieces of scenery, still life, family life an
d Nordic society. This was also the gallery where the famous Munch "Scream" is located. Not to be judgmental, but I thought it was overrated; it was a very nice painting but I liked others a lot more. One in particular caught my attention: also by Munch, it is a painting called "The Kiss". It is an image of a man ravishingly kissing another person (I couldn't make out if it was a woman or man but I like to think it was the latter :P) behind a curtain in a room overlooking the city streets. The pair were isolated in rapture while the rest of society carried on obliviously. I sat and looked at it and got a little sentimental as I always do when I view art in galleries. 
While I love painting, I must say that I love sculpture even more. The gallery had many lovely sculptures placed all over but I particularly enjoyed two specific ones. They were pieces by Auguste Rodin, the famous "Thinker" and "Danaide". Both were so exquistely crafted, their bodies chiseled with life and vitality. I panned around in 360 degree fashion and admired. The other sculptures were large and some were small but they were all daunting in their realism and presence. The bodies of the athletes and women were so refreshing to see as they did not laud the anorexic ideal of today but instead celebrated the lush youthfulness of health. It was an experience that I consider a highlight of my first month in Oslo. After the gallery, I visited my friends at United Bakeries in Majorstuen yet again, had my usual black coffee and soaked in the Oslo sun and people watched from my favorite table outside.
These past few days I've been going out again, drinking with my flatmates. Frazer, a flatmate from Canada, is actually leaving Oslo to return home, and thus is vacating our flat. It has been sort of a series of farewell festivities. Friday, we went to Frazer's friends apartment in Majorstuen, went to Hogan's (a Cheers-esque sports bar) which we eventually left because the music wasn't as bumping. So we tried two other places downtown but failed as I was rejected for being so adorably underage. We concluded the evening with dancing at
Stravinsky's. Last night, we had a nice little flat dinner; it was deliciously prepared salmon, sauteed vegetables, white rice, homemade spring rolls, all compliments to Ben, Frazer, Christina and Lara. As if I wasn't too concerned with my wieght, we feasted on delicious homemade crepes that Ben made and was hard at work at the stove. Then people started coming over and the party took off from there :) It was a nice mix of people from all over and we chilled, danced to awesome music, and enjoyed the evening. It was the first in what Ben has termed "Saturday Night Fever", where last night was the first of many more to come. When in Oslo, I guess we party! 

I love this city.

Until my next blog-worthy adventure, ha det.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

All Asians love Cheap Asian Goods.

Cheap Asians love cheap Asian goods. Seeing as I am an Asian/PACIFIC ISLANDER living in Norway on a budget, this stereotype might hold some validity. Point is, I found the cheap Asian supermarket! Monday, Sigrid and Endre took our buddy group to Gronland in the eastern part of Downtown Oslo (I believe) where we went to two Vietnamese produce and all-around goods stores. It was glorious seeing food prices that I thought were actually affordable! I went there again the next day and completed my grocery order. I think I found where I'll be going at least once a week...
After I shopped there again on Tuesday, I went to Majorstuen again and headed to United Bakeries for the unlimited black coffee. Don't judge, you would too if you were here! It was a nice day so I sat outside with my CUPS of coffee, and read Ibsen's "A Doll's House". After, I went home and cooked myself up a delicious chow mein stir fry with eggplant, tomato, carrots and oyster sauce. Can you say yummers?! :)
This week is the start of classes and the students bustle about, doing the normal start of term formalities: going to class, meeting the professors, making good first impressions. I would tell you all how my first days steeped in Oslo academia are but, I HAVEN"T STARTED CLASSES YET! I know, I know, get over myself. But really, having this much free time is not as cool as I thought it would be. I'm completely convinced that I shouldn't spend anymore money so that rules out lots of things. I am, however, planning on traveling every single subway route there is; like a vagabond with a trust fund. I've been mainly getting a head start on reading books for class, walking around aimlessly, doing little errands and the like. It's boring and that makes me anxious. Not having a purpose is neither riveting nor exciting: it's disconcerting. Well, I guess the adrenaline needs to pump a little faster. Maybe there's a nice, disconcerted guy like me who enjoys listening to Madonna and the occasional retail therapy who needs some chatting up... We'll see, I suppose.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Polse and Lomper: New Staples in my Oslo Diet.

This week was the official start to my stint as an international exchange student at the Universitet i Oslo. As such, the academic year would not have been complete without an Orientation! It came to an end this weekend but not without some crazy adventures!
Monday was a breezy day. The only thing we were scheduled to do was pick up information packets on campus. After I picked mine up amidst the craziness of the international student reception area, I proceeded outside and walked around campus. UiO is a beautiful campus with many areas outdoors to sit and relax, something that I did with much enjoyment. It was a pleasant first meeting with the locale that I would forge a special relationship with for the next 5 months. 
Tuesday was the Welcome Ceremony at the UiO Law School in Downtown Oslo at Karl Johans Gate. Both international and new students packed into the school square; so many anxious and excited faces that it was hard to listen to the rhythmic Norwegian speeches. UiO's very own acclaimed orchestra played various pieces including a Navras-esque piece that riveted me into a slight orgasm. After the ceremony we met our Buddy Groups; similar to SU's OA friends, these small groups functioned as a social mixer complete with two current UiO students who served as Buddies (they even wore red shirts!). My group's Buddies were Sigrid and Endre who are both really cool :) In my group,
there are several Americans, a Brit, an Aussie, an Italian, a Pole, a Canadian, and lots of Norwegians. A delish mix! After the ceremony, we went back to campus for a free meal (Orientation and free food go hand in hand, of course!) and a tour of campus. Later on that evening, we all met up again at the Faculty 
of Humanities' pub called Uglebo, had a few beers and got to know each other a little more. This was my first time consuming alcohol in Europe as well as purchasing legally outside of the U.S. (well, not counting Guam). It was in a word: fun

Wednesday was the Nuts and Bolts section of Orientation. It was a full day of being bombarded with information about visas, permits, semester fees, registration, faculty advisors, and IT. After my brain could not soak up anymore, we were set free. I took another trip to Ikea to get a lightbulb that I stupidly forgot to pick up when I bought a lamp on another trip. That was a feat of intellectual achievement, let me tell you...

Thursday was pretty much the same as Wednesday; we had meetings but this time it was in our respective faculties. Mine being in the humanities, we poured into the Sophus Bugges hus auditorium where we met the dean and other important figures. After, I took another Ikea trip, but this time it was to show three buddies, Devin, Erik and Agnes to the bus station as they had never been yet. Rushing so we could catch the bus from Slependen, we headed back to downtown and called it a day. 
Friday was cool; my buddy group got together on campus and played some lawn games. Well, it was mostly the guys playing futbol and frisbee and the girls playing croquet while the other slightly athletically challenged buddies like myself (by this I mean, professional audience members) sat, watched, and chatted. After some free fruit, lemon-flavored water and sunbathing, we split and a bunch of us went to Chateau Neuf for the International Coffee Hour. Arriving into a packed, humid, and unaccommodating space, our group left and had coffee down the street in pretty Majorstuen. We went to this cute place called United Bakeries, which reminded me a lot of Cafe Victrola on the Hill. It became my new favorite place after I paid for a delicious cup of black coffee (27 kroner; about $5.20) and discovered that it was unlimited refills. For reals: my new favorite place. After, we headed home and then met up again at Uglebo for some more post-week fun. 

Saturday and Sunday are one complete entity as the day's events are inextricably wound together. We started off with an Orientation event on Hoverdoya, the main island in the waters off the Oslo piers. It is a major park area with trails, beaches, huge tracts of lawn for
 buddy group hangout seshs and the like. It was once a prison island that also housed 
a medieval convent; the ruins to provide evidence for this were spectacular. And there we were, drinking beer, grilling polse (hotdogs) to eat with lomper (tortilla-like flatcakes made from potatoes), and merry-making amongst the ruins. I left early so I could meet my flatmates on the island's beach; I got lost and couldn't find them. So I decided to go home and take a nap. I got to the pier and got on the only ferry present thinking it would take me directly to the pier we had set out from. But no, I took a little ride. Apparently the ferry that I got on was the one going in the other direction toward the other end of the island. So there I was, ferrying in the Norwegian waters on a nice detour. It
was oddly riveting feeling lost on the water, no doubt adventurous like the Vikings who navigated the same waterways earlier. But I did get back safely. I had planned to join Agnes at a party in the evening so I went to meet her around 20:00 in Majorstuen. We went to her friend Frederikke's place, a beautiful apartment in Majorstuen, for the forsk (directly translated means foreplay) which is the Norwegian equivalent to our American pre-funks. The apt. was like a posh, Euro entertainment space. We entered the room (where we saw them watching MTV) and were introduced to everyone. After some arguing about the music, we put a playlist on and started a game of Tipsy cups. This of course, led to riotous laughter and comraderie which prompted a trip downtown to a bar. We went to this place called Biblos and had a few more pitchers. Dancing was fun. They actually have really good music to dance to here in Oslo. It was to a techno backbeat but very rhythmic, with reggae, Spanish, and lots of Hip-Hop/Pop. Dancing to Beyonce's "Get Me Bodied" was priceless. Having no sense of direction, awareness, or volition, we walked for about 30 minutes tipsily thru downtown Oslo where we adopted two other guys, both of whom I don't remember their names :) Getting back to Frederikke's at around 5 am, peopled crashed, others drank more, and I sat on the sofa to inhale my water. Seeing as the sun was up and the party was entering its "post" stage, I went to the T-Bane to wait for the first subway of the day. '

To reflect, my time in Oslo thus far has been breathtaking. If this past week's events are any indication of the time that I'm going to have here, I'm in for an adventure of a lifetime :) As my escapades continue, I will continue to update. 

Until the keyboard calls again,

Your friend, Jon

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Am I the Last Man Standing?

It was my last day (Sunday)  before the official start of the Orientation week and I decided to take another walk downtown to see what it had to offer. Unfortunately, here in Oslo, Sunday truly is the Lord's Day and lest we be struck dead, honor it we must. This means, to my tourist dismay, that the entirety of the city limits is shut down. Once I got to the Central Stasjon, I went outside and was greeted by a Nordic 28 Days Later; dead silence and a barrenness that Tim Burton would've found simply lovely. I figured i was b/c it was about 9:30 in the morning. So I went to the By Porten Shopping center again and looked for the only thing open, which was a Subway restaurant. I had a Veggie Sandwich and  Coke (which everyone was drinking with their sandwiches as well!) and sat down for a leisurely Sunday brunch. It was nowhere near the lovely brunches I enjoyed at Glo's or Crave on Capitol Hill but it was relaxing nonetheless. After loitering for about an hour and a half I decided to go outside, hoping that things had opened up by then. Doors were still closed as they were earlier in the morning and I proceeded to go somewhere open to spend some chill time. I found a McDonald's Cafe, which apparently was a nice sit-down lounge with sofas and cushioned chairs. 
It was weird walking in and seeing an Asian employee speaking perfect Norwegian to his African co-worker :) Love it! Apparently, Mickey Dee's is where it's at! I had my usual double Americano and proceeded to look for a seat. To the patrons inside, I probably seemed like an American tourist traveling, blogging experience after experience. The looks I got were nothing but intrigue brought on by my obvious passe-ness. There was this poor girl who was obviously being broken up with. I knew by the way her male companion was very steadfast in his statements coupled by her constant questioning and tears. Pretending not to hear, I focused on the old Filipino man who was talking on a cell phone in Tagalog to his compadre, telling him that he was in Oslo. You can never escape your heritage, I suppose :)
I chatted up the beautiful Norwegian girl who gave me my coffee (not Bauhaus but tolerable) whom I asked if anything would open soon. She said that on Sundays the city is pretty much shut down except for a few eateries and places that cater the many tourists that arrive into the city. I guess that even though Oslo is slightly similar to the what I'm accustomed to, there are still those cultural nuances that don't seem to make sense to me, like closing and entire city's businesses on a "natural shopping day".  After waling a bit down Karl Johans Gate (a major tourist avenue) I noticed that this sentiment was shared by the foreign populace. Oh well, I guess this is going to warrant some getting used to. 

Saturday, August 9, 2008

SALG means SALE ;)

     Seeing as my orientation begins on Monday, I decided to take the weekend and go to Downtown Oslo. After the trek to the T-bane, I rode into Oslo Central Stasjon from where I went out to explore. Being the scared Islander that I am, I went to the closest (and most familiar) store I saw: H&M. I know, I know, big whoop, right? I went in and had a heart attack; not at how much everything fit (yes, they do carry sizes that fit little 'ol me in Norwegia!) but at how much everything was. Shit gurl, everything was in the hundreds. By this time I wasn't used to the Kroner NOK system so it was terrifying. After that I went to the nearby mall where I bought a rain jacket that fits perfectly. After a nice chat with the woman at the Information stand, she told me that the IKEA bus picks up for free to the Ikea in Furuset. I set out of the building as this was about 4 blocks away. I couldn't find my way again downtown but saw a bus stop sign with the IKEA symbol on it so I figured I was at the right spot. Ikea is still Ikea but here, everything is in Norwegian. It was nice holding up the line with my ID and being constantly referred to as "Amerikansk"! :) Ah, the exoticism of my American Passport. 
After that I cam back to downtown where I wrote this post. The walk over was hilarious. I heard Don Omar's "Conteo" and of course, I sang along. Walking through the various stores I heard Jason Mraz, Girlicious, and Basshunter. It was awesome! It's funny to see at the U.S. imports as well as what would be termed as Western influences ( by this, I mean American). I mean the Sex in the City movie trailer was playing on a giant screen at the entrance to the By Porten Shopping center, which goes to show the at Sarah Jessica has the international clout to be in Nordic space. 
All in all, Oslo is a beautiful city that has kept its old world charms (old buildings, parks and public spaces) and adapted, modernized and improved to accommodate its globalized direction. Vast in expanse and light in density, I didn't have a problem moving around the city limits. Well, except when I was lugging around a large IKEA tote!

Til my next adventure, 
Se deg neste gang! (See you next time!)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"It Has Begun." - Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat

You know that feeling you get when everything around just seems to be moving in an incomprehensible blur and you are stuck at the center, just watching and immobile. Imagine one of those whirling, spinning toys you get at the carnival. You know, the one with the ball in the middle that remains completely still while all around it lighted metal rings flitter and gyrate in fanciful spectacle. Consider me (at this point) that ball; stuck in the middle of whirling chaos but remaining completely still, almost stagnant. Think the cover of Avril Lavigne's first album, "Let Go". Something isolated like that.

This summer has been one for the books. I've reinvented myself, became a regular at a coffee shop, laid the foundations for great relationships/friendships, became infinitely more fabulous, further cemented my love of hand gestures and inside jokes, perpetuated my compulsive shopping habit, and stressed enough to last me enough 11 lifetimes. The blur of these past few months has created a typhoon of color that paints my life history with an interesting artistic styling, like my own Mona Lisan dimple. And now I am at the center. 

Unable to move
Unable to breathe.
Unable to THINK.

I leave tomorrow and that freaks the shit out of me. There was a glimmer of reality when Julz left us but that easily faded when I remembered that I would see her in a month. Like a brick to the side of the head, this study abroad adventure has hit me hard. I will not see those I'm accustomed to seeing easily. No longer will I be in classes thinking of my Saturday night at Neighbours. Or meeting a friend for dinner at the Bistro or at Bauhaus or at the Bottom Line.  Nope, it's straight up Scandinavia from here on out. But I like fish so it aint nothing but a hair flip, gurl :)

I guess once I cross that international border and into the realm of foreign national status, credit card charging, and currency conversion fees, myself and my visa-wielding comrades will soak up the experience and represent good 'ol Americana. In all her beautiful colors of the rainbow, of course.

P.S. A big up to my gurls who made my last night in Seattle (for a while) a really fun one. Work, bitches! 

Till my Norwegian landing, I bid you adieu, ladies and gents.

Ha det